Musical Director and Commitee members
Musical Director : Jeremy Morrish, ARCM

Chairman : Tony Willman, Principal Trumpet

Secretary / Membership Secretary/Deputy Chairman : Rachel Boardman , Clarinet

Treasurer : Alan Finn
Social Secretary : Angela Finn, Saxophone

Librarian : Suzannah Boardman , Trumpet

Website : Kathy Starkey, Principal Piccolo

Alton Concert Band is a registered charity. We welcome new members with a love of playing on any woodwind, brass or percussion instrument . Upon joining, there is a termly fee to cover venue costs and administration. If you would like to join, please send us a message . There are no formal auditions , so please come along for a trial session . Please visit our Vacancies page for more details about joining us and standard of playing requirements , or send us an e mail
Our rehearsal time is on a Thursday evening: 7.30 to 9.30 pm at the Alton Community Centre in Amery Street, Alton.
If you want to attend a rehearsal with our band. Please email us at or message us on facebook
For all our latest news and events , you can follow us on :